Consulting for Business Families

Families who run businesses face a unique challenge: they have to manage themselves as a family and at the same time manage themselves as a business organization. The key to successful management of both areas is a functional shared vision between individual family members, which is the answer to the fundamental question: Why do we want to do business together as a family? This vision gives the family an identity and, like a compass, shows the direction for important decisions.

Creating a functional shared vision is not at all easy due to the differences of individual family members, but it is possible. One of the important activities of our Center for Family Businesses is helping families to create and subsequently anchor this vision within the framework of individual counseling, e.g. in a family constitution. And most importantly: live it.

Our Services

Family councils

Facilitating or moderating the first meetings of family members at family councils

Family constitution

Help with the creation of a family constitution so that it does not remain only on paper

Individual consultations

Individual consultations and coaching for entrepreneurial families

Our Experts

In individual counseling, a tandem of experts with experience in this field will attend to you:

Martin Jurek

Martin Jurek

Martin Jurek is a member of a business family and moderator of the courses of the International Federation for Family Development, which has the status of a general consultant at the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Jiří Hnilica

Jiří Hnilica

Jiří Hnilica is the dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at VŠE, holder of the globally recognized ACFBA (Advanced Certificate in Family Business Advising) degree and is dedicated to systemic individual and group coaching

The most requested topics of individual counseling

  • owner assignment, ownership shares and their fair distribution
  • property management, family office, holdings, foundations, trust funds
  • decision-making platforms (family, administrative or supervisory board, board of directors, general meeting)
  • communication and relationships
  • family constitution or joint business rules
  • succession, development and change
  • family relationship to business
  • who doesn’t/belongs to the family
  • finding agreement on key values and visions
  • employment of family members
  • hiring external managers


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